

Alquimia StrongholdMamut GraveyardChaos BramblesFrost Spirit ValleyBesfer Ghost VillageHunibor Ice GateHoarfrost FortressMosbear SnowfieldMahisha’s NestAlquimia ApproachLepharist BarracksMalek PassBeritra’s WeaponBlack PlainsGlacier PeaksAlquimia Castle GateRoad to MorheimMist ValleyKidorun’s CampsiteChaos PassGiants ValleyThe Lone CottageFang Troll EncampmentAbandoned CampsiteKurngalfsbergHoarfrost ShelterGhost Village Observation PostThe Whispering ForestAnair HarbourBeluslan FortressBesfer Refugee CampAnair LighthouseBakarma BarracksSacred OrchardMalek MineBeluslan’s RoofMalek Mine WorkshopMalek DiggingsRed Mane CavernAlukina’s PalaceCamp KistenianAnair Ice LakeHoarfrost OutpostMine PortBeluslan Observatory

FunctionGuardian form
HP12 315 092
DP4 800
XP8 407 351
Ранг БездныGreat General
Abyss Points31 680
РеакцияElyos | Asmodian
Kinah6 916 ~ 20 747
The Brigade General of Beluslan Fortress. She is well-respected by everyone who serves under her. She's not too arrogant to party with her soldiers.